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Update on the Check-in @ Stansted Business Exhibition


CIAS20 4

Our sponsors, exhibitors and visitors health and wellbeing is extremely important to us.

We have been closely monitoring the news and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic and with an awful lot of events being postponed or cancelled throughout the UK, we have made the decision to provisionally move the Check-in @ Stansted Business Exhibition.

We are not cancelling the event - we will be moving the date for everyone’s benefit.

As a business, we are keen to ensure that we remain stable as a business community and will support you as much as possible. We would very much appreciate the same in return in these unforeseen circumstances.

We therefore plan to pencil in a new date of Thursday 17th September 2020, which we will review in July.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me directly on 01279 870 064, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We thank you for your continued support and wish you and your colleagues, familes and friends our best wishes. 

Stay safe - we will win this war and will all return stronger!

Julie Budden

Chair of the Stansted Airport Chamber of Commerce